You will receive a real respectable certification from a non-profit trade association.
Access to our PRIVATE Online and email Credit Consultant Helpdesk with advanced tips, strategies, and on-going support to assist you with tough issues facing your clients. We are here to assist our members in serving their clients better.
Establish your credibility and proficiency in the Credit Repair Industry.
You will learn all about FICO, VANTAGE and other scoring system and become a specialist.
Strengthen and grow your business.
Be part of a network to assist you to find answers to specific problems relating to your clients.
One source to get the latest news and updates within the credit industry.
We recommend a variety of low-cost software to use in your business.
BCCC= Board Certified Credit Consultant Credentials – Main Certification
Be included in the online A-list Board Certified Credit Consultant Directory.
Discount on Credit Software, and marketing companies (special promotions)
Access to a Private Facebook Group for support and networking
Gain a competitive edge by standing out from the competition.
Receive authorization to display the Board Certified Credit Consultant logo on business cards, Web sites, and marketing and promotional materials.
Stand out, be noticed, and get the recognition you deserve
If you are a salesperson that uses another company to perform the credit repair tasks, e.g. network marketing agents, prove to your customers that you understand how the credit repair system works and vouch for the company you represent.
CCSC= Certified Credit Score Consultant Credentials – Supplemental
Become a Board Certified Credit Consultant
Standard Plan
BCCC Certification Digital Version-
Includes Board Certified Credit Consultant Credentials fee, Training materials, logos, and 12 months’ membership.
12 months Membership to our trade association included.
You CAN print the training manuals yourself.
You will learn about the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA), and how to use the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) to protect rights. Also how to be in compliance.
Everything included in The Standard:
Unlimited Online or email support and 12 Months of Access to our Private Credit Consultant's Helpdesk area of advanced strategies.
Name displayed in our directory
The Test is done online, in a multiple-choice format.
Digital Credit Repair Training materials, Study Guide and Audio Files (downloadable)
Additional Guide to Starting A Credit Repair Business manual.
Learn everything there is to know about operating a credit service business including all dispute letters, sample contracts, business plan, operational forms-how to deal with customers and how to apply techniques e.g. removing items according to FCRA
Discount on Credit Repair Software
Learn how to dispute and remove items from your client's credit report.
Credit Scores Training
Marketing Information/ coaching via our helpdesk Board Certified Credit Consultant (BCCC) Exam & Certification Fee included ($99)
4 attempts to pass BCCC exam (included in the package)
Digital Certificate on all versions. Hard Copy versions are available.
Instant downloads and Test Exam orders are manually processed approved and sent directly to your email.
There are No Additional Fees.
You can purchase a coaching phone support plan later.
Normal fee $259
What you will learn: Course Topics
Special! Save Big on Digital version: $159
NO. You don’t need a special software program to do this business; however, it can help you manage your business more effectively once you grow. We feel it is best to learn how to do the work manually prior to purchasing a software program. If you can afford to learn how to use a software program and how to do the work at the same time–that’s great. Please keep in mind that the software Can NOT think for you nor does it pull credit reports. You must know how to control it and not let it control you. This is why we prefer that our members learn how to do the work first.
NO. You don’t have to be certified. However, we make it our business to make the public aware of our existence and encourage them to ask a consultant whether they have any credentials, are part of an association, and will abide by rules. Therefore, you may encounter clients asking about whether or not you are certified.
You do NOT have to add an additional person at the time of your signup. You can add them later, at any time as long as you have an active membership. In addition, you can add as many individuals to your account as you like. They will get to become certified and have a membership with us as well.