There are many hurdles that you will face when running your credit repair company. You will have to prove yourself every step of the way; convincing customers that you are a legitimate business that is ready and willing to help repair his or her credit score. Having your certification with CCAwill go a long way to resolve this issue.
There are some major things that you could be doing that are throwing up red flags. To make sure that you are not waving any flags, here is a list of some major rules and Do’s and Don’ts for credit repair companies.DO: Inform clients of his or her rights; to do this on their own and how to cancel their credit repair contract. Before any contract can be signed and work begun, it is important that clients are informed of his or her rights. Clients have the ability to repair their own credit if they want. It is required by the law that you inform clients of the right to do the credit repair process by themselves. Clients also have a right to know that they can cancel the contract at any time and that they can avoid charges if they cancel within a few business days of signing the contract. Each state has a different timeline ranging from about three to five days. During this time period you are not allowed to work for the client because you can not charge for any work done prior to the contract getting signed.