This area provides all the information need to be in compliance to operate a credit repair business. Taking care to protect client privacy and against identify is a major part of your responsibilities. Also, do NOT make false claims. This links before are for your development in this business. Take time and care to understand the content.

Contract Compliance.

  1. Never post your contract online, it is best to send your agreement to the client via or fax.
  2. Never say that you WILL remove inaccurate or unverifiable items… off your client’s report. The language should be as a goal NOT as something that will happen. “It is our goal to remove….”
  3. If you have an analysis or audit fee upfront, your contract MUST spell out and define exactly the work you are providing. If not, you can violation the CROA for charging upfront fees.

PLEASE NOTE: Many states require that Credit Service Business register with their Division of Finance. Check with your state to see if you must pay a fee to obtain a license to offer credit services. e.g Ohio, Missouri, California…


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